Welcome to The Academy of Charter School Registration

Online Registration for 2024-2025 School Year is now open!

Winter Registration opens September 13th


Football Boys Basketball Baseball
Boys Soccer Girls Basketball Girls Soccer
Spirit (Cheer/Dance)   Boys Track & Field
Softball   Girls Track & Field
Girls Volleyball    
Boys Cross Country    
Girls Cross Country    


Click the icon below to register for an activity

The Academy of Charter School Activity & Athletic Registration



Prior to being cleared to practice/try out, each student athlete must have the following items completed:

  • Online athletic registration
  • NEW CHSAA Physical Form (ONLY PAGE 4) on file that is valid for 365 days from the last exam
  • Paid Athletic Fee and/or Submitted Free/Reduce Lunch Approval Letter 



Students registering for Athletics must have a current physical examination before the student is authorized to participate in tryouts. To ensure clearance for participation, physicals should be completed and submitted during the electronic registration process prior to tryouts.

NOTE: As of April 2024, CHSAA has updated their physical form. This form will be required and the only documentation accepted starting in the 2025-2026 school year. It is the parent's responsibility to upload physicals. Alternate physical forms (such as physician and/or clinic forms) will be phased out in our system once they are expired/invalid.  

* Please only upload Page 4 of the NEW CHSAA Physical Form with these words at the top of the page "SUBMIT THIS MEDICAL ELIGIBILITY FORM TO THE SCHOOL" *

Physicals are valid for 1 year from the date of the last exam.

Please refer HERE for more detailed instructions. 


All of this MUST BE completed online PRIOR to tryouts. 

If you have questions or need assistance with the registration process, please address it to:

Natalie Salazar Turriago - Athletic Adminsistrative Assistant

Email: natalie.salazarturriago@theacademyk12.org

If you have questions or need assistance with transfers and/or participating in sports that we do not offer, please address it to:

Marc Verikas - Athletic Director

Email: marc.verikas@theacademyk12.org